
  • М. В. Алєксєєнко Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, Україна



Ключові слова:

Рішельєвський ліцей, бібліотека, бібліотечний комітет, бібліотечна справа


У статті розглядається структура бібліотеки Рішельєвського ліцею в Одесі – першого у XIX ст. навчального закладу змішаного типу на півдні України. На основі архівних джерел та відомостей періодичних видань навчального закладу книжкове зібрання розглядається як бібліотечна установа. У складі бібліотеки Рішельєвського ліцею виділялися такі підрозділи: фундаментальна (основна), студентська, Інституту східних мов, а також кабінети: студентський кабінет книг (згодом – Пироговська бібліотека студентів), кабінет для читання газет та журналів, кабінет для читання професорів. 


Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund 44, inventory 1 (1829, economic part), dossier 14.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund 44, inventory 1 (1838), dossier 33.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund 44, inventory 1 (1838), dossier 40.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund 44, inventory 1 (1838), dossier 42.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund 44, inventory 1 (1839), dossier 65.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund 44, inventory 1 (1839), dossier 78.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund 44, inventory 2 (1840), dossier 9.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund 44, inventory 1 (1841), dossier 1.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund 44, inventory 1 (1846), dossier 1.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund 44, inventory 1 (1846), dossier 163.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund 44, inventory 1 (1857), dossier 33.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund 153, inventory 1, dossier 510.

Alekseenko M. V. Razvitie bibliotechnogo dela na yuge Ukrainy v 30–40-e gg. XIX veka: deyatelnost bibliotechnykh komitetov v Odesskom Rishelevskom litsee [Development of the library in the south of Ukraine in the 30-40’s. XIX century: activities of the library committees in the Richelieu Lyceum of Odessa]. Visnyk Odeskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Bibliotekoznavstvo, bibliohrafoznavstvo, knyhoznavstvo [Herald of Odesa National University. Library studies, Bibliography studies, Bibliology]. Odesa, 2017, vol. 22, iss. 1 (17), pp. 29–36.

Vasiliy Vasilevich Grigorev po ego pismam i trudam, 1816–1881. S prilozheniem portreta i faksimile [Vasily Vasilyevich Grigoriev on his letters and works, 1816–1881. With the application of a portrait and facsimile]. Sankt-Peterburg, 1887, [2], 288, 105, [1] p.

Grigorev V. V. Imperatorskiy S. Peterburgskiy universitet v techenie pervykh pyatidesyati let ego sushchestvovaniya [The Imperial St. Petersburg University during the first fifty years of its existence: a historical note]. Sankt-Peterburg, 1870, [2], 432, 96, CXXII p.

Dva stolittia sluzhinnia knyzi. Istoriia Naukovoi biblioteky Odeskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni I. I. Mechnykova, 1817–2017 [Two centuries of service to the book. History of the Scientific Library of the Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 1817–2017]. Odesa, 2017, 290 p.

Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnogo Prosveshcheniya [Journal of the Ministry of National Education]. 1850, pt. 67, no. 27 (6 iyunya).

Izbash T. A., Skrypnik V. V. Odesskoe obshchestvo istorii i drevnostey i stanovlenie vostokovedeniya v Odesse [Odessa Society of History and Antiquities and the formation of Oriental Studies in Odessa]. Lukomoria: arkheolohiia, etnolohiia, istoriia Pivnichno-Zakhidnoho Prychornomoria. [Lukomorye: archeology, ethnology, history of the Northwest Black Sea]. Odesa, 2008, no. 2, pp. 23-25.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskogo litseya 31 avgusta 1837 po 20 iyunya 1838 goda [Historical note about a state and actions of Rishelieu lyceum, from August 31, 1837 to June 20, 1838]. Rechi, proiznesennyye v torzhestvennom sobranii Rishelyevskogo litseya 20-g iyunya 1838 [The speeches delivered in the solemn meeting of the Richelieu Lyceum on June 20, 1838]. Odessa, 1838, pp. 1–10.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskogo litseya s 20-go iyunya 1838 po 20-ye iyunya 1839 goda [Historical note about a state and actions of Rishelieu lyceum, from June 20, 1838 to June 20, 1839]. Rechi, proiznesonnyye v torzhestvennom sobranii Rishelyevskogo litseya 20-go iyunya 1839 goda [The speeches delivered at the ceremonial meeting of the Richelieu Lyceum on June 20, 1839]. Odessa, 1839, pp. 1–11.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskogo litseya s 20 iyunya 1840 po 20 iyunya 1841 goda [Historical note about a state and actions of Rishelieu lyceum, from June 20, 1840 to June 20, 1841]. Rechi, proiznesennyye v torzhestvennom sobranii v Rishelyevskogo litseya, 22 iyunya, 1841 goda [The speeches delivered in the solemn meeting at the Richelieu Lyceum, June 22, 1841]. Odessa, 1841, pp. 89–99.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskogo litseya s 20 iyunya 1841 po 20 iyunya 1842 goda [Historical note about a state and actions of Rishelieu lyceum, from June 20, 1841 to June 20, 1842]. Rechi, proiznesennyya v torzhestvennom sobranii Rishelyevskogo litseya, 21 iyunya, 1842 goda [The speeches delivered in the solemn meeting of the Richelieu Lyceum, June 21, 1842]. Odessa, 1842, pp. 1–22.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskogo litseya s 20 iyunya 1842 po 20 iyunya 1843 goda, s kratkim obzorom 25-letnego sushchestvovaniya litseya [Historical note about a state and actions of Rishelieu lyceum, from June 20, 1842 to June 20, 1843, with a brief overview of the 25-year existence of the lyceum]. Rechi, proiznesennyye v torzhestvennom sobranii Rishelyevskogo litseya 20-go iyunya 1843 goda [The speeches delivered at the solemn meeting of the Richelieu Lyceum on June 20, 1843]. Odessa, 1843, pp. 1–21.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskogo litseya s 20 iyunya 1843 po 18 iyunya 1844 goda [Historical note about a state and actions of Rishelieu lyceum, from June 20, 1843 to June 18, 1844]. Rechi, proiznesennyye v torzhestvennom sobranii Rishelyevskogo litseya 18-go iyunya, 1844 goda [Speeches delivered in the solemn meeting of the Richelieu Lyceum on June 18, 1844]. Odessa, 1844, pp. 1–13.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskogo litseya s 18 iyunya 1844 po 17 iyunya 1845 goda [Historical note about a state and actions of Rishelieu lyceum, from June 18, 1844 to June 17, 1845]. Godichnyy akt v Rishelyevskom litseye byvshiy 17 iyunya 1845 goda [The annual act in the Richelieu Lyceum was on June 17, 1845]. Odessa, 1845, pp. 1–21.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskogo litseya s 17-go iyunya 1845 g. po 20- ye iyunya 1846 g. [Historical note about a state and actions of Rishelieu lyceum, from June 17, 1845 to June 20, 1846]. Godichnyy akt v Rishelyevskom litseye, 25 iyunya 1846 goda [The annual act at the Richelieu Lyceum, June 25, 1846]. Odessa, 1846, pp. 101–118.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskogo litseya s 20-go iyunya 1850 po 20 iyunya 1851 goda [Historical note about a state and actions of Rishelieu lyceum, from June 20, 1850 to June 20, 1851]. Godichnyy akt v Rishelyevskom litseye, 20 iyunya 1851 goda [The annual act at the Richelieu Lyceum, June 20, 1851]. Odessa, 1851, pp. 1–18.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskogo litseya s 20-go iyunya 1853 po 30-ye avgusta 1854 goda [Historical note about a state and actions of Rishelieu lyceum, from June 20, 1853 to August 30, 1854]. Godichnyy akt v Rishelyevskom litseye, 30 avgusta 1854 goda [The annual act at the Richelieu Lyceum, August 30, 1854]. Odessa, 1854, pp. 93–111.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskogo litseya s 30-go avgusta 1854 po 28-ye avgusta 1855 goda [Historical note about a state and actions of Rishelieu lyceum, from August 30, 1854 to August 28, 1855]. Godichnyy akt v Rishelyevskom litseye, 28 avgusta 1855 goda [The annual act at the Richelieu Lyceum, August 28, 1855]. Odessa, 1855, pp. 53–69.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskogo litseya s 28-go avgusta 1855 po 28-ye avgusta 1856 goda [Historical note about a state and actions of Rishelieu lyceum, from August 28, 1855 to August 28, 1856]. Godichnyy akt v Rishelyevskom litseye, 28 avgusta 1856 goda [The annual act at the Richelieu Lyceum, August 28, 1856]. Odessa, 1856, pp. 211–224.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskogo litseya s 28 avgusta 1856 po 1 sentyabrya 1857 goda [Historical note about a state and actions of Rishelieu lyceum, from August 28, 1856 to September 1, 1857]. Torzhestvennyy akt Rishelyevskogo litseya, po sluchayu okonchaniya 1856–1857 akademicheskogo goda, i otkrytiya kursov v novom zdanii [Solemn Act of the Richelieu Lyceum, on the occasion of the end of 1856–1857 academic year, and the opening courses in the new building]. Odessa, 1857, 14 p.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskago litseya [Historical note on the state and actions of the Richelieu Lyceum]. Torzhestvennyy akt Rishelyevskogo litseya, po sluchayu okonchaniya 1858– 1859 akademicheskogo goda [Solemn act of the Richelieu Lyceum, on the occasion of the end of 1858–1859 academic year]. Odessa, 1859, pp. 33–64.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskago litseya s 1 sentyabrya 1859 po 30 avgusta 1860 goda [Historical note on the state and actions of the Richelieu Lyceum, from September 1, 1859 to August 30, 1860]. Torzhestvennyy akt Rishelyevskogo litseya, po sluchayu okonchaniya 1859–1860 akademicheskogo goda [Solemn Act of the Richelieu Lyceum, on the occasion of the end of 1859–1860 academic year]. Odessa, 1860, pp. 14.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskago litseya s 1 sentyabrya 1862 po 30 avgusta 1863 goda [Historical note on the state and actions of the Richelieu Lyceum, from September 1, 1862 to August 30, 1863]. Torzhestvennyy akt Rishelyevskogo litseya, po sluchayu okonchaniya 1862–1863 akademicheskogo goda [Solemn Act of the Richelieu Lyceum, on the occasion of the end of 1862–1863 academic year]. Odessa, 1863, pp. 73–92.

Istoricheskaya zapiska o sostoyanii i deystviyakh Rishelyevskago litseya s 1 sentyabrya 1863 po 30 avgusta 1864 goda [Historical note on the state and actions of the Richelieu Lyceum, from September 1, 1863 to August 30, 1864]. Torzhestvennyy akt Rishelyevskogo litseya, po sluchayu okonchaniya 1863–1864 akademicheskogo goda [Solemn Act of the Richelieu Lyceum, on the occasion of the end of 1863–1864 academic year]. Odessa, 1864, pp. 105–120.

Istoriya otechestvennogo vostokovedeniya do serediny XIX veka [The history of Russian oriental studies until the middle of the XIX century]. Moskwa, 1990, 435 p.

Markevich A. I. Dvadtsatipyatiletiye imperatorskogo Novorossiyskogo universiteta: istoricheskaya zapiska. Akademicheskiye spiski [25thAnniversary of the Imperial Novorossiysk University: a historical note. Academic lists]. Odessa, 1890, XV, [1], 734, [2], XC p.

Mikhnevich I. G. Istoricheskiy obzor sorokaletiya Rishelyevskogo litseya, s 1817 po 1857 god [Historical review of the fortieth anniversary of the Richelieu Lyceum, from 1817 to 1857]. Odessa, 1857. 200 p.

Murzakevich N. Ocherk zaslug sdelannykh naukam Svetleyshim knyazem Mikhailom Semenovichem Vorontsovym [Essay on the merits made by the Sciences to the Light Prince Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov]. Zapiski Odesskogo obshchestva istorii i drevnostey [Notes of the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities]. Odessa, 1858, vol. 4, 41, [1] p.

O novom ustave i shtate Rishelyevskogo litseya [On the new statute and staff of Richelieu Lyceum]. Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnogo Prosveshcheniya [Journal of the Ministry of National Education]. 1837, vol. 14, no 6 (iyun). pp. CXCIII–CCXXI.






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