
  • Г. І. Шульга Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, Ukraine



Ключові слова:

Одеський кіно-технікум, Всеукраїнське фотокіноуправління, кіномистецтво, журнал «Силуэты», А. Лундін, П. Чардинін, Й. Тимченко


У статті подані результати дослідження розвитку кінематографічної справи та освіти в Одесі через публікації на сторінках журналу «Силуэты», який видавався у 1922–1925 рр. Висвітлюється становлення та розвиток першого спеціалізованого навчального закладу в УРСР – Державних курсів кінематографії, який було трансформовано в Одеський кіно-технікум.


Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund R-3870, inventory 1, dossier 8, pp. 1.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund R-3870, inventory 1, dossier 58, pp. 8.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund R-3870, inventory 1, dossier 66, pp. 10.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund R-3870, inventory 1, dossier 79, pp. 14

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund R-3870, inventory 1, dossier 2. pp. 1.

Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of the Odessa Region]. Fund R-3870, inventory 1, dossier 79, pp. 15.

Anotovanyi kataloh filmiv, vyroblenyi na Odeskii kinostudii khudozhnikh filmiv ta inshykh studiiakh i tvorchykh. obiednanniakh v Odesi u 1917–2004 rr. [Annotated catalogue of the films, created at the Odessa Film Studio and other studios and creative associations in Odessa in 1917–2004]. Odesa, 2004, 610 p.

Bezklubenko S. Ukrainske kino: nacherk istorii [Ukrainian cinematography: drawing of the history]. Kyiv, 2001, 169 p.

Vozrozhdenie sovetskogo kino: ot nashego Kharkovskogo korrespondenta [Rebirth of the cinematography of the Soviet Union: from our Kharkiv correspondent]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 8/9, pp. 30

Hoseiko L. Istoriia ukrainskoho kinematohrafa: 1896–1995 rr. [History of Ukrainian cinematograph: 1869– 1995 years]. Kyiv, 2005, 464 p.

Istoriia ukrainskoho radianskoho kino [History of Ukrainian Soviet cinematograph]. Kyiv, 1986, t. 1: 1917– 1930, 245 p.

Kapelhorodska N., Hlushchenko Ye. Nacherky dalekoi kino istorii [Drawings of the distant history of the cinematograph]. Kyiv, 2005, 216 p.

Kapchinskiy M. Ya. U Chernogo morya [Near the Black sea]. Zhizn v kino: veterany o sebe i o svoikh tovarishchakh [Life in the film: veterans about themselves and their mates]. Moskva, 1971, vol. 1, pp. 44–65.

Kapchynskyi M. Ya. Bilia Chornoho moria: spohady [Near the Black Sea]. KINO-KOLO: chasopys ekrannykh mystetstv [Film circle: the journal of the screen arts]. 2003, no 17, pp. 82–94.

Kapchynskyi M. Ya. Bilia Chornoho moria: spohady [Near the Black Sea: memories]. KINO-KOLO: chasopys ekrannykh mystetstv [Film circle: the journal of the screen arts]. 2003, no 18, pp. 78–88.

Kino-kursy [Film training courses]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 8/9. pp. 29–30.

Kinoproizvodstvo v Odesse [Film production in Odessa]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923–1924, no 15, pp. 12.

Kino-front: v Odesskoe okruzhnoe foto-kino upravlenie [Film front: to the Odessa district photo and cinema administration]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 11, pp. 21.

Kino-front: goskursy kinematorafii [Film front:]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 6/7, pp. 4.

Kino-front: goskursy kinematografii [Film front:]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 6/7, pp. 17

Kino-front: goskursy kinematografii [Film front:]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 10, pp. 25.

Kino-front: proizvodstvennaya rabota VUFKU v Odesse [Film front: production job of the All-Ukrainian Photo Cinema Administration (VUFKU) in Odessa]. Siluety: literatura, iskusstvo, teatr, kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 14, pp. 11.

Kino-front: kino-gorodok [Film front: film town]. Siluety: literatura, iskusstvo, teatr, kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 10, pp. 23.

Kino: kino-promyshlennost v Odesse [Film front: film production in Odessa]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 4, pp. 13.

Kino-front: kino-sezon v Odesse [Film front: film season in Odessa]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923–1924, no 19, pp. 12.

Kino-front: perspektiva raboty [Film front: perspective of the work]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1922, no 1, pp. 16.

Kino-front: goskursy kinematografii [Film front: state training courses of the cinematograph]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 14, pp. 11.

Kino-front: proizvodstvennayarabota VUFKU [Film front: production job of the All-Ukrainian Photo Cinema Administration (VUFKU)]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 12, pp. 22.

Kino-front: sovetskoe kino vozrozhdaetsya: na odesskikh kino-fabrikakh [Film front: Soviet cinematograph]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 13, pp. 13–14.

Kino-front: u ekrana [Film front: near the screen]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 12, pp. 22.

Kino-front: ukrainskaya kinematografiya [Film front:]. Siluety: literatura, iskusstvo, teatr, kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 11, pp. 22.

Kino-front: ekonomika kino [Film front:]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 5, pp. 11.

Korniienko I. S. Ukrainske radianske kinomystetstvo: 1917–1929 rr. [Ukrainian Soviet cinematic art: 1917– 1929 years]. Kyiv, 1959, 144 p.

Lenta dlinnoy v polveka: Odesskoy studii khudozhestvennykh filmov – 50 let [Half-century long motion picture: 50th anniversary of Odessa Film Studio]. Odessa, 1969, 32 p.

Malinovskiy A. Kino v Odesse: putevoditel po kinoteatram starym i novym [Cinematograph in Odessa: guidebook of the old and new film theatres]. Odessa, 2000, 220 p.

Mislavskiy V., Geresha V. Mekhanik-izobretatel Iosif Timchenko: v dokumentakh i vospominaniyakh [Mechanic-inventor Iosif Timchenko: according to documents and memories]. Kharkov, 2012, 287 p.

Mislavskiy V. N. Odessa... Nemoe kino: 1897–1930 [Odessa…silent screen: 1897–1930]. Kharkov, 2015, 376 p.

Myslavskyi V. N. Ukrainske kinomystetstvo 20-kh rokiv XX st.: orhanizatsiinotvorchi transformatsii [Ukrainian cinematic art in 1920s: organizational and creative transformations]. Kharkiv, 2018, 469 p.

Na kino-fabrikakh «VUFKU»: ocherednye postanovki [At the film studio of the All-Ukrainian Photo Cinema Administration (VUFKU): regular production]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 13, pp. 14.

Ostrovskiy G. Odessa, more, kino: stranitsy istorii dalekoy i blizkoy [Odessa, sea, cinematograph: pages of the distant and recent history]. Odessa, 1989, 183 p.

Parkhitko O. V., Khobta O. I. Istoriia ukrainskoi zhurnalistyky: odeska periodyka pochatku XX stolittia [History of Ukrainian journalism: Odessa periodicals in the beginning of the 20th century]. Odesa, 2010, 219 p.

Poddubnyy V. Krasnye artisty [Red artists]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1924, no 5(43), pp. 15.

Proizvodstvo Vufku [Production of the All-Ukrainian Photo Cinema Administration (VUFKU)]. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923–1924, no 20, pp. 12.

Rosliak R. V. Stanovlennia kinoosvity v Ukraini: druha polovyna 10-kh – pochatok 30-kh rr. XX st. [Establishment of the cinema education in Ukraine: the second half of the 1910s – the beginning of the 1930s]. Kyiv, 2004, 19 p.

Rudyi H. Periodyka Ukrainy 1917–1940 rr. yak istorychne dzherelo [Ukrainian periodicals in 1917–1940 as a historical source]. Bibliotechnyi visnyk [Library herald]. 2008, no 1, pp. 29–33

Suvorov A. Y. Siluety: literatura. iskusstvo. teatr. kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1924, no 38, pp. 12.

U ekrana [Near the screen]. Siluety: literatura, iskusstvo, teatr, kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923, no 4, pp. 14.

U ekrana [Near the screen]. Siluety: literatura, iskusstvo, teatr, kino [Silhouettes: literature. art. theatre. cinema]. 1923–1924. no 16. pp. 11.

Khobta O. I. Mystetska periodyka Odesy druhoho desiatyrichchia XX st.: istoryko-funktsionalnyi aspekt ta interpretatsiini osoblyvosti [Artistic periodical of Odessa of the second decade of the 20th century: historicalfunctional aspect and interpretative specifics]. Kyiv, 2005, 18 p.

Shklovskiy V. B. Za sorok let kino [Within 40 years of the cinematography]. Moskva, 1965, 455 p.






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