
  • О. Є. Музичко Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, Україна



Ключові слова:

книгознавство, друкарня Ю. Фесенка в Одесі, історична думка, одеські історичні книжкові видання


Метою цієї статті є висвітлення процесу видання одеською друкарнею Ю. І. Фесенка книг, що були присвячені історичній тематиці. Це питання не було артикульоване у такому вигляді. У літературі наявні лише окремі згадки. Нашим завданням є визначити кількість цих праць, типологізувати згідно змістовних особливостей, встановити авторство та особливості друку. Ключові слова: книгознавство, друкарня Ю. Фесенка в Одесі, історична


Derzhavnij arhіv Odes’koї oblastі [State archive of Odesa region]. F. 37. Op. 4. D. 217.

Derzhavnij arhіv Odes’koї oblastі [State archive of Odesa region]. F. 13. Op. 1. Spr. 161.

Antoniy, arkhimandrit. Putevoditel po Konstantinopolyu: opisanie zamechatelnykh i svyatykh mest [Guide to Constantinople: a description of the wonderful and holy places]. Odessa, 1884, IX, 252, IV p.

Bondarenko І. Pro Garіbaldі, bortsya za volyu іtalіyskogo narodu [About Garіbaldі, fighting for the will of the Italian people]. Odesa, 1908, 63 p.

Borzakovskiy P. K. Velikiy pisatel-poet Nikolay Vasilevich Gogol [The great writer and poet Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol]. Odessa, 1902, 48 p.

Borzakovskiy P. K. Velikiy poet Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin [The great poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin]. Odessa, 1899, 38 p.

Borzakovskiy P. K. Imperatritsa Yekaterina Vtoraya Velikaya [Empress Catherine the Great]. Odessa, 1896, 62, II p.

Borzakovskiy P. K. Moskovskiy knigopechatnik XVI veka Ivan Fedorov [Moscow book printer of the XVI century, Ivan Fedorov]. Odessa, 1884, 24 p.

Borovskiy I. S. Pedagogicheskie vozzreniya imperatritsy Yekateriny Vtoroy i otnoshenie ikh k voprosam sovremennogo professionalnogo obrazovaniya [Pedagogical views of Empress Catherine II and their attitude to the issues of modern vocational education]. Odessa, 1896, 20 p.

Bojarskiy A. Drandskiy Uspenskiy monastyr na Kavkaze [Drandsky Assumption Monastery in the Caucasus]. Odessa, 1894, 15 p.

Gorbatjuk M. Lysty Andriia Nikovskoho do Mykoly Arkasa yak dzherelo do vyvchennia istorii Odeskoi i Mykolaivskoi «Prosvit» [Lists of Andriy Nikovsky to Mikoli Arkas as a source on the history of the «Enlightenment» of Odessa and Nikolaev]. Pam’jatki [Memories]. 2011, t. 12, pp. 246–256.

Drevnekhristianskie hramy i Sv. Aleksandro-Afonskiy Zelenchukskiy monastyr v Zelenchukskom ushhelii Kavkazskogo hrebta, Kubanskoy oblasti, Batalpashinskogo uezda [Ancient Christian churches and the St. Alexander-Athos Zelenchuksky monastery in Zelenchuk gorge of the Caucasus mountain range, Kuban region, Batalpashinsky district. Historical sketch]. Odessa, 1896, 44 p.

Yegorov A. Ye. Iosif Semashko, mitropolit Litovskiy i Vilenskiy; Platon Gorodeckiy, mitropolit Kievskiy i Galitskiy: Izd. po sluchayu yubil. prazdnestva vossoedineniya uniatov k pravoslaviyu 1839–1899 gg. [Joseph Semashko, Metropolitan of Lithuania and Vilensky; Plato Gorodetsky, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galitsky: Izd. on the occasion of the anniversary. festivities of the reunion of the Uniates to Orthodoxy 1839-1899]. Odessa, 1899, 44 p.

Zhilinskaya Ye. Svyatogorskaya obshchezhitelnaya Uspenskaya pustyn [Svyatogorsk communal Assumption Deserts]. Odessa, 1902, 184 p.

Zagorovskiy V. D. K poluvekovomu yubileyu 13-go Strelkovogo polka 1843–1893: zametki iz materialov po istorii polka [On the half-century anniversary of the 13th Rifle Regiment 1843–1893: Notes from materials on the history of the regiment]. Odessa, 1893, 109 p.

Zakіpna H. V. Pershyi ukrainskyi drukar Odesy.[The first Ukrainian printer in Odessa]. Dom knyazya Gagarina [House of Prince Gagarin]. 2004, vol. 3, part. 1, pp. 131–147.

Iz mira iskusstva i nauki [From the world of art and science]. Odessa, 1887, Vol. 1.

Ikona Bozhiey Materi «Troeruchitsy» v g. Poltave [Icon of the Mother of God of the «Three Hands» in Poltava]. Odessa, 1901, 24 p.

Isaakievskiy kafedralnyy sobor v S.-Peterburge [St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg]. Odessa, 1911, 48 p.

Istoriko-literaturnaya khrestomatiya: s pril. obrazcov drevnerus. pis’ma [Historical and literary reader: with Old Russian samples letters]. Odessa, 1886, XX, 368 p.

Istoriko-statisticheskiy ocherk Lubenskogo Mgarskogo Preobrazhenskogo monastyrya [Historical and statistical essay Lubensky Mgar Preobrazhensky monastery]. Odessa, 1894, 32 p.

Istoricheskiy ocherk vozniknoveniya i obzor deyatelnosti Bratstva russkikh obiteley (keliy) na sv. gore Afonskoy i otchet ego za shestnadtsat let s 1896 po 1912 god [A historical outline of the emergence and review of the activities of the Brotherhood of Russian cloisters (cells) on St. Mount Athos and its account for sixteen years from 1896 to 1912]. Odessa, 1913, 151 p.

Kolesnyk O.V. Drukarski ustanovy v kulturnomu zhytti Khersonskoi hubernii u druhii polovyni XIX st. [Printing establishments in the cultural life of Kherson province in the second half of the XIX century]. Molodyi vchenyi [Young scientist]. 2015, no 8, pp. 37–40.

Komar M. Pro zaporozhskі volnostі [About Zaporizhzhya Liberties]. Odesa, 1907, 40 p.

Kondratov V. M. Istoricheskaya zapiska o chastnom blagotvoritelnom uchrezhdenii, priyute dlya bednykh i strannopriimnom dome svyashchennika Feodosiya Nestorovicha Levitskogo v g. Balte, Podolskoy gubernii. S 1831 po 1898 g. [Historical note on a private charitable institution, a shelter for the poor and a strange house of the priest Theodosius Nestorovich Levitsky in the city of Balta, Podolsk province. From 1831 to 1898]. Odessa, 1898, 75 p.

Korabljov Yu. Yu. Lvovskiy sobor 1629 goda v rabote I. Kh. Strelbitskogo «Tserkovnye uniatskie sobory s kontsa XVI v. do vozsoedineniya uniatov s pravoslavnoyu tserkoviyu» [Lvov Cathedral in 1629 in the work of I. Kh. Strelbitsky «Uniate Church Cathedral at the end of the XVI century to vozsoedineniya Uniates with the Orthodox Church»]. Pravaslavnaya tserkov v obshchestvennoy zhizni: istoriya i sovremennost [Orthodox Church social life: history and modernity]. Gomel, 2018. pp. 21–24.

Kostrov A. V. Dorevolyutsionnye uchebniki po «raskolovedeniyu» kak istoriograficheskiy istochnik [Prerevolutionary textbooks on «schism» as a historiographic source]. Almanakh sovremennoy nauki i obrazovaniya [Almanac of modern science and education]. Tambov, 2007. no 2 (2), pp. 45–46

Kratkaya istoriya Gosudarstva Rossiyskogo: Yubileynoe izd. dlya naroda po sluchayu ispolnyayushchegosya 300-letiya votsareniya doma Romanovykh : (1613–1913 gg.). [A brief history of the Russian State: Anniversary. ed. for the people on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the accession of the Romanov dynasty]. Odessa, 1912, 168 p.

Kratkiy istoricheskiy obzor tsarstvovaniya Doma Romanovykh: 1613–1913 gg. [A brief historical overview of the reign of the Romanov dynasty]. Odessa, 1912, 72 p.

Kratkoe zhizneopisanie vizantiyskikh imperatorov ot osnovaniya i do padeniya Konstantinopolya: pri sem prilagaetsya: na bolshom aleksandriyskom liste 105 portretov vizantiyskikh imperatorov [A brief biography of the Byzantine emperors from the foundation to the fall of Constantinople: herewith attached: on a large Alexandrian sheet 105 portraits of Byzantine emperors]. Odessa, 1885, 20 p.

Kulzhinskiy G. Svyatogorskaya Uspenskaya obshchezhitelnaya pustyn v Kharkovskoy eparkhii [Svyatogorsk Assumption communal deserts in the Kharkov diocese]. Odessa, 1888, V, 152 p.; Odessa, 1896, VII, 176 p.

Labyntsev Yu. A., Shchavinskaya L. L. Ye. I. Fesenko – odin iz krupneyshikh izdateley narodnoy pravoslavnoy pechatnoy produktsii XIX–XX vv. [E. I. Fesenko – one of the largest publishers of folk Orthodox printed materials of the XIX–XX centuries]. Slavyanskiy mir v tretem tysyacheletii. Etnicheskie, konfessionalnye, sotsiokulturnye komponenty identichnosti narodov Tsentralnoy, Vostochnoy i Yugo-Vostochnoy Yevropy [Slavic world in the third millennium. Ethnic, confessional, sociocultural components of the idetity of the peoples of Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe]. M., 2017, pp. 11–19.

Lobachevskiy S. V. Sv. Antoniy Velikiy (ego zhizn, pisaniya i nravstvenno-podvizhnicheskoe uchenie) [St. Anthony the Great. his life, writings and moral-ascetic teaching]. Odessa, 1906, XXVI, 285 p.

Lugovyj O. M., Faida O. V. Odeskyi tserkovnyi istoryk S. V. Lobachevskyi [Odessa church historian S. V. Lobachevsky]. Laurea I. Antichnyy mir i Srednie veka [Laurea I. Antique World and Middle Ages]. Harkov, 2015, pp. 185–188.

Malynovska N. L. Ukrainska knyha druhoi polovyny XIX – pershoi chverti XX stolittia na pivdni Ukrainy: istoryko-knyhoznavchyi i bibliohrafichnyi aspekty [The Ukrainian book of the other half of the XIXth – first quarter of the XXth century in Ukraine: historical and book cognitive and bibliographic aspects]. Kyiv, 2005, 20 p.

Meshcheryakov V. N. Vossozdanie Odesskogo kafedralnogo Spaso-Preobrazhenskogo sobora [Reconstruction of the Odessa Cathedral of the Transfiguration Cathedral]. Odessa, 2017, 464 p.

Novik Ye. F. Divnye puti promysla bozhiya v istorii russkoy tserkvi i russkogo gosudarstva [The divine ways of the divine providence in the history of the Russian church and the Russian state]. Odessa, 1900, 180, II p.

Novik Ye. F. Svyatoy ravnoapostolnyy velikiy knyaz Vladimir [Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir]. Odessa, 1915, 20 p.

Nogachevskiy N. F. Zhizn ottsa Feodosiya, pervogo arkhimandrita i osnovatelya Grigorievskogo Bizyukova monastyrya [Life of Father Theodosius, the first archimandrite and founder of the Grigorievsky Bizyukov Monastery]. Odessa, 1895, 15 p.

Ovtsyn. Kasperovskaya chudotvornaya ikona bozhiey materi [Kasperovskaya miraculous icon of the mother of God]. Odessa, 1890, 32 p.

Ovtsyn. Kasperovskaya chudotvornaya ikona bozhiey materi [Kasperovskaya miraculous icon of the mother of God]. Odessa, 1898, 64 p.

Ogronovich I. N. Inkerman i Inkermanskaya kinoviya v Krymu [Inkerman and Inkerman kinoviya in Crimea]. Sost. v polzu sv. obiteli sv. Klimenta]. Odessa, 1894, 19 p.

Odesskiy kadetskiy korpus za pervye sem let ego sushchestvovaniya [Odessa Cadet Corps for the first seven years of its existence]. Odessa, 1906, III, 231, X p.

Oranovskiy A. K. Istoricheskiy ocherk mestechka Medzhibozha: (Iz posmertn. zapisok gen. Oranovskogo) [Historical sketch of the town of Medzhibozh. From the posthumous notes of General Oranovsky]. Odessa, 1886, 12 p.

Pamyatnaya knizhka dlya dukhovenstva Khersonskoy eparkhii [Memorial book for the clergy of the Kherson diocese]. Odessa, 1902, CVIII, 278, XXXIV p.

Panagiya ili Uspenskiy Bakhchisarayskiy v Krymu skit: (Krat. ist. opisanie) [Panagia or Assumption of the Bakhchisarai monastery in Crimea. Short history description]. Odessa, 1901, 32 p.

Paraskevo-Voznesenskaya zhenskaya obshchina, Penzenskoy gubernii, v Insarskom uezde: ist.-stat. opisanie [Paraskevo–Ascension Women’s Community, Penza Province, in Insarsk Uyezd: Ist. – stat. description]. Odessa, 1905, 60 p.

Petrovskiy S. V. Zlatoverkhiy Mikhaylovskiy monastyr v Kieve: istorich. ocherk i sovremennoe sostoyanie obiteli [Golden-Domed Mikhailovsky Monastery in Kiev: historic. essay and the currentstate of the monastery]. Odessa, 1902, 96 p.

Petrovskiy S. V. Kiev, ego svyatyni i dostoprimechatelnosti [Kiev, its shrines and attractions]. Odessa, 1918, 104 p.

Petrovskiy S. V. Odesskiy kafedralnyy Preobrazhenskiy sobor: ist. opisanie [Odessa Cathedral of the Transfiguration Cathedral: historical description]. Odessa, 1894. IV, 123 p.

Petrovskiy S. V. Odesskiy Preobrazhenskiy nyne kafedralnyy sobor [Odessa Cathedral of the Transfiguration Cathedral]. Odessa, 1908. 480 p.

Petrovskiy S. V. Poltavskaya pobeda: 27 iyunya 1709 g. – 27 iyunya 1909 g. [Poltava victory: June 27, 1709 - June 27, 1909]. Odessa, 1909, 52 p.

Petrovskiy S. V. Sem khersonskikh arkhiepiskopov: biografii s pril. portr., vypoln. fototip. [Seven Kherson archbishops: Biogr. with Portr., executed. phototype]. Odessa, 1894, [4], 184 p.

Prazdnovanie desyatiletiya tipografii i khromolitografii Yevfima Ivanovicha Fesenko, v Odesse. 15 dekabrya 1883 – 15 dekabrya 1893. [Celebrating the decade of printing and chromolithography by Evfim Ivanovich Fesenko, in Odessa. December 15, 1883 – December 15, 1893]. Odessa, 1894. 30 p.

Putevoditel po Svyatoy zemle: s 19-yu litogr. ris., noveyshim planom Ierusalima i kart. Palestiny [Guide to the Holy Land: From the 19th lithogr. fig., the newest plan of Jerusalem and maps. Palestine]. Odessa, 1886, [2], X, 301 p.

Putevoditel po Svyatoy zemle: s 19-yu litogr. ris., noveyshim planom Ierusalima i kart. Palestiny [Guide to the Holy Land: From the 19th lithogr. fig., the newest plan of Jerusalem and maps. Palestine]. Odessa, 1890, 312 p.

Rasskazy dlya naroda iz zhizni i istorii Kievo-Pecherskoy lavry i ee svyatykh podvizhnikov: po KievoPecherskomu pateriku [Stories for the people from the life and history of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and its holy ascetics: According to the Kiev Pechersk Patericon]. Odessa, 1904, 166, II p.

Russkaya istoriya, s prisovokupleniem neobkhodimykh svedeniy iz istorii vseobshchey [Russian history, with the addition of the necessary information from universal history]. Odessa, 1891. 266, II p.; Odessa, 1894, 266, II p.; Odessa, 1905, 268 p.

Russkiy Svyato-Andreevskiy skit na Afone: k ego pyatidesyatiletiyu 1849 oktyabrya/22 1899 g. [Russian St. Andrew’s Monastery on Mount Athos: On its fiftieth anniversary]. Odessa, 1900, 16 p.

Semeynyy albom odesskogo izdatelya Ye. I. Fesenko [Family album of Odessa publisher E.I. Fesenko]. Odessa, 2007, 314 p.

Slavetnyi drukar Odesy: kataloh ukrainskykh vydan odeskoho vydavtsia Ye. I. Fesenka [The famous printer of Odessa. Catalog of Ukrainian editions of the Odesa publisher Yu. I. Fesenko]. Odesa, 2005, 48 p.

Smolenskiy I. L. Istoriya kak nauka i kak predmet prepodavaniya : (pereotsenka ist. znaniy) [History as a science and as a subject of teaching. Revaluation of historical knowledge]. Odessa, 1905, vol. 1, 1905, [4], II, 176 p.

Sokolov V. F. Deyatelnost imperatritsy Yekateriny II na polzu zhenskogo obrazovaniya v Rossii [The activities of Empress Catherine II in favor of female education in Russia]. Odessa, 1896, 31 p.

Solovev N. F. Knyaz Vladimir Feodorovich Odoevskiy i ego zaslugi v oblasti tserkovnogo peniya: (K 100-letiyu so dnya ego rozhdeniya) [Prince Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevskiy and his merits in the field of church singing ( to 100-th anniversary of his birthday)]. Odessa, 1903, 12 p.

Solovev N. F. P.I.Chaykovskiy kak dukhovnyy kompozitor:(K10-letiyu so dnya ego konchiny)[P.I. Tchaikovsky as a spiritual composer. On the 10th anniversary of his death]. Odessa, 1903, 13 p.

Spasskiy K. K. Dimitrievskiy Khersono-Odesskiy eparkhialnyy dom: (Ist. zapiska) [Dimitrievsky KhersonOdessa Diocesan House. Source. Note]. Odessa, 1910, 142, II p.

Starovoitenko I. Lysty Mykhaila Komarova do Yevhena Chykalenka / I. Starovoitenko [Letters of Mikhailo Komarov to Evgen Chikalenko]. Spadshchyna: Literaturne dzhereloznavstvo. Tekstolohiia. [Heritage: Literary, Source studies, Textology]. Kyiv, 2007, t. 3, pp. 298–299.

velikikh odessitov: [biogr. ocherki] [100 great inhabitants of Odessa: biogr. essays]. Odessa, 2009, 511 p.

Strelbitskiy I. Kh. Istoriya russkogo raskola, izvestnogo pod imenem staroobryadchestva [History of the Russian schism, known as the Old Believers]. Odessa, 1898, 216, II p.

Strelbitskiy I. Kh. Uniatskie tserkovnye sobory s kontsa XVI veka do vozsoedineniya uniatov s pravoslavnoyu tserkovyu [Uniate Church Councils from the end of the 16th century until the Uniates were reunited with the Orthodox Church]. Odessa, 1891, 164, [1] p.

Strelbitskiy I. Kh. Tserkov Odesskogo instituta imperatora Nikolaya I [Church of the Odessa Institute of Emperor Nicholas I]. Odessa, 1907, 78 p.

Tymoshenko L. Beresteiski sobory u zhovtni 1596 r.: istoriohrafichnyi dosvid [Brest Cathedrals in October 1596: Historiographical Experience]. Drohobytskyi kraieznavchyi zbirnyk [Drohobych Local History Collection]. Drogobich, 2004, Vol. 8, pp. 77–93.

Tokaev G. K. Mokvinskiy Uspenskiy zhenskiy monastyr na Kavkaze, bliz m. Ochemchiri, Kutaisskoy gub. [Mokvinsky Assumption Monastery in the Caucasus, near the metro station]. Odessa, 1904, 20 p.

Filaret (Gumilevskiy Dmitriy Grigorevich; arkhiepiskop Chernigovskiy i Nezhinskiy). Kratkoe istoricheskoe opisanie Rykhlovskoy pustyni [A brief historical description of the Rykhlov desert]. Odessa, 1891, 83 p.

Khmarskyi V. M. Yevfym Fesenko: yak drukarskyi verstat v Odesi prysluzhyvsia ukrainskii spravi [Efim Fesenko: as a printing press in Odessa, he used the Ukrainian cause]. Chornomorska khvylia Ukrainskoi revoliutsii: providnyky natsionalnoho rukhu v Odesi u 1917–1920 rr. [Black Sea wave of the Ukrainian Revolution: leaders of the national movement in Odessa in 1917–1920.]. Odesa, 2011, pp. 421–436.

Khudkiy F. Zapiski i vospominaniya o Bessarabiisvyashchennika Ioanna Yakovlevicha Galushko: biogr. ocherk s portr.: izvlechenie iz dnevnika [Notes and Memoirs of Bessarabia by Priest John Yakovlevich Galushko: Biogr. essay with a portrait. Extract from the diary]. Odessa, 1913, 15 p.

Tsargrad i ego svyatyni: s portretami vizantiyskikh imperatorov [Tsargrad and its shrines: with portraits of Byzantine emperors]. Odessa, 1915, 32 p.

Shchepetov V. A. Gurzuf na Yuzhnom beregu Kryma i ego lechebnye sredstva: sb. ist., ekon., vracheb. i dr. svedeniy, otnosyashchikhsya do dan. Punkta [Gurzuf on the southern coast of Crimea and its therapeutic agents. Collection of historical, economic, medical and other information about this village]. Odessa, 1890, VI, 184 p.

Yarinovich A. Ukraintsy v Kholmshchine [Ukrainians in the Kholmshchina]. Odessa, 1911, 20 p.




Як цитувати

Музичко, О. Є. (2020). ОДЕСЬКА ДРУКАРНЯ Ю. І. ФЕСЕНКА ЯК ОСЕРЕДОК ВИДАННЯ КНИГ НА ІСТОРИЧНУ ТЕМАТИКУ (КІНЕЦЬ ХІХ – ПОЧАТОК ХХ СТ.). Бібліотечний меркурій, (1(23), 7–20. https://doi.org/10.18524/2707-3335.2020.1(23).202085



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